Zoom on the crisis in the French commercial real estate market
The outbreak of the Covid-19 health crisis at the beginning of 2020 — as well as the subsequent sudden return of high inflation, and the change in monetary policy in mid-2022 — has led the French non-residential real estate market into an ongoing crisis, the extent of which is currently difficult to determine. 2023 saw a sudden and very steep drop in investment volume. This downturn intensified in H1 2024: -51% in 2023 and -46% in H1 2024. There has also been a concurrent decline in take-up, (-16% in 2023 and -5% in H1 2024), accompanied by an increase in immediate office supply that has reached unprecedented levels.
Added to these flagging indicators are questions about a possibly profound market restructuring taking place. This is mainly due to lower demand for office space with the increase in remote working, as well as the cost impacts of green policy-based regulatory constraints, and the obsolescence of a significant amount of office stock.
In the past 40 years, the French commercial real estate market has gone through five major crises, each affecting the rental and investment markets to different degrees. “Crisis” comes from the Greek “krisis” and the verb “krinein” which means “to sift, sort, or separate grains”. Crisis, despite their brutality, should also be regarded as a pivotal moment, redefining the fundamental conditions of both the present cycle and the eventual market rebound.
In order to better appreciate the contours of the current crisis, we have chosen to take a look in the rearview mirror: how has the commercial real estate market responded to the different economic cycles since the beginning of the 1990s? What lessons can we draw from these responses to shed light on the current predicament?
This re-examination should allow us to take a step away from the fog of the present. Most critically: are we witnessing a natural rebalancing between supply and demand, or a genuine market paradigm shift?
« When the market was down, we took a lot of risks: some
called us the “ developer insurer ”. »
Charlotte Lacoste – Covéa Immobilier
« Profound transformational forces are at work, with the Covid crisis acting as a catalyst to which a financial shock has been added. »
Nicolas Joly – Icade

- Growth of Île-de-France office stock by submarket: 1975-2023
- Immediate supply and take-up in Île-de-France: 1993-2023
- Commercial property investment volumes: French vs. foreign investors (1995 – 2023)
- Investment volume by investor type: 1995 – 2023
- Commercial property investment volumes
- Investment volume by asset type: 1998 – 2023
- Office take-up and paid employment growth in Île-de-France
- Office take-up in Île-de-France and GDP growth: 1978 – 2023
- Investment volume in commercial real estate by asset value: 1998 – 2023
- Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in current euros): 2000 – 2023
- Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in constant euros): 2000 – 2023
- Office construction starts in Île-de-France: 1975 – 2022
- Prime yields vs. ten-year OAT rates: 1992 – 2023
- Investment volume by submarket: 1998 – 2023
- IEIF Immobilier France vs. CAC All Tradable indices performance: 1990 – 2023 (excluding coupon payments)
Growth of Île-de-France office stock by submarket: 1975-2023
Immediate supply and take-up in Île-de-France: 1993-2023
Commercial property investment volumes: French vs. foreign investors (1995 – 2023)

Investment volume by investor type: 1995 – 2023
Commercial property investment volumes

Investment volume by asset type: 1998 – 2023
Office take-up and paid employment growth in Île-de-France

Office take-up in Île-de-France and GDP growth: 1978 – 2023

Investment volume in commercial real estate by asset value: 1998 – 2023

Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in current euros): 2000 – 2023
Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in constant euros): 2000 – 2023
Office construction starts in Île-de-France: 1975 – 2022
Prime yields vs. ten-year OAT rates: 1992 – 2023
Investment volume by submarket: 1998 – 2023
IEIF Immobilier France vs. CAC All Tradable indices performance: 1990 – 2023 (excluding coupon payments)

Growth of Île-de-France office stock by submarket: 1975-2023
Growth of Île-de-France office stock by submarket: 1975-2023
Immediate supply and take-up in Île-de-France: 1993-2023
Immediate supply and take-up in Île-de-France: 1993-2023
Commercial property investment volumes: French vs. foreign investors (1995 – 2023)
Commercial property investment volumes: French vs. foreign investors (1995 – 2023)

Investment volume by investor type: 1995 – 2023
Investment volume by investor type: 1995 – 2023
Commercial property investment volumes
Commercial property investment volumes

Investment volume by asset type: 1998 – 2023
Investment volume by asset type: 1998 – 2023
Office take-up and paid employment growth in Île-de-France
Office take-up and paid employment growth in Île-de-France

Office take-up in Île-de-France and GDP growth: 1978 – 2023
Office take-up in Île-de-France and GDP growth: 1978 – 2023

Investment volume in commercial real estate by asset value: 1998 – 2023
Investment volume in commercial real estate by asset value: 1998 – 2023

Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in current euros): 2000 – 2023
Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in current euros): 2000 – 2023
Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in constant euros): 2000 – 2023
Average values for new office buildings by Île-de-France submarket (in constant euros): 2000 – 2023
Office construction starts in Île-de-France: 1975 – 2022
Office construction starts in Île-de-France: 1975 – 2022
Prime yields vs. ten-year OAT rates: 1992 – 2023
Prime yields vs. ten-year OAT rates: 1992 – 2023
Investment volume by submarket: 1998 – 2023
Investment volume by submarket: 1998 – 2023
IEIF Immobilier France vs. CAC All Tradable indices performance: 1990 – 2023 (excluding coupon payments)
IEIF Immobilier France vs. CAC All Tradable indices performance: 1990 – 2023 (excluding coupon payments)